Playgrounds In Pictures: Lowell Playground In Waltham

Playgrounds In Pictures: Lowell Playground In Waltham

This is part of series photographing and reviewing playgrounds and parks in the Boston Metro Area; playgrounds and parks are an important part of the infrastructure that promotes healthy early childhood development; they should be celebrated and invested in to support young children and their families.

So far, we have looked at:

1.     Perkins School For The Blind’s Playground 

2.     Pat and Gabriel Farren Playground 

3.     Transportation Children Center’s Playground

4.     Irving Park

5.     Smith Playground in Allston

6.     Watertown’s 552 Main St Playground

7.     Mother’s Rest Playground along The Muddy River

8.    Clifford Playground

9. Dorothy Curran Playground at Joe Moakley Park

10. Martin Richard’s Part at The Smith Family Waterfront

11. Filippello Playground

12: Artesani Playground

This post will focus on Lowell Playground in Waltham. The playground which was updated in 2002 has the basics like slides, monkey bars, and that ubiquitous Tic Tac Toe game. There is a decent amount of space to run around freely as well along with a couple benches for family members to watch children play and a couple trash cans to assist in keeping things clean. Overall, there is not the bells in whistles in the actual playground area that some of the newer playgrounds have. That being said, there right next to the actual playground are both a basketball court and splash park with a visually appealing shades of blue color scheme. Check out pictures below:

Playground In Pictures: Bemis Playground and Park (Watertown)

Playground In Pictures: Bemis Playground and Park (Watertown)

Childhood As Depicted in The Smithsonian’s images

Childhood As Depicted in The Smithsonian’s images